The Karnataka Government has announced the recruitment of various vacancies for the posts of Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) and  Gram Panchayat Secretary (GPS) to be filled up soon. Indian nationals and eligible candidates as recognized by the Government for these posts are encouraged to apply online for this position. The official website of the Government has got detailed information regarding the same. Candidates who have applied for the post of the Karnataka PDO should be aware of the selection process as well as the Karnataka PDO Exam Pattern. This will help the candidates to prepare in the right and efficient manner.

Karnataka PDO Exam Pattern

The general examination pattern for selection of Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) conducted through Competitive Exam of KEA is as follows:-

Minimum Passing Marks

To be announced by Karnataka Examination Authority in the Advertisement / Notification on their official website. It is advisable for the candidates to regularly check all updates on their official website.


The candidates who clear the written examination will be called for an interview at a date and time to be announced by KEA on their official website.

PDO syllabus 2023

General Knowledge (GK) PDO Syllabus

a. Constitution of India
b. Indian History and culture, with particular reference to Karnataka
c. General and Economic Geography of India, with particular reference to
d. Current events
e. every day science and such matters of every day observation

General English PDO Syllabus

  1. English grammar,
  2. Vocabulary,
  3. spelling,
  4. synonyms,
  5.  Antonyms,

f. power to understand and comprehend English language and ability to discriminate between correct and incorrect usage,

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj PDO Syllabus

1. Constitution Amendment to Article 73 and 74
2. History of Karnataka Panchayat Raj
3. Constitution of Grama Panchayats, Powers and duties of Grama Panchayat Adhyaksha and
4. Duties of Gram Panchayat
5. Financial Resources of Gram panchayat
6. The staff of Grama Panchayats and duties
7. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and Scheme
8. Total Sanitation Campaign
9. Government Housing Schemes ( Ashraya, Ambedkar, Indira Avas Yojane)

Computer Literacy PDO Syllabus

Computer Concepts – Parts of a Computer, Peripherals and their function Computer Applications Security Internet Basics – Storage, processor, display, mouse, ports, CD Drive, printer and scanner  Email,    Packaged Applications, Customized Applications Passwords, Virus, Backup Accessing the Internet Search Engines

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